Upcoming workshops

Upcoming workshops

throwing thinner and lighter-9/8

  • Sunday, September 8th, 3:00-6:00PM

    with Kate Bevington

    Are your pots kinda heavy on the bottom? Work with Kate on getting more clay up from the base of your pots. In this workshop Kate will show you how to throw more efficiently to make larger, thinner pots with less clay.

  • Tuition: $75

    Materials Fees: If needed, clay can be purchased during the class for $1.20 per pound

    Email to register: kbevington5@gmail.com

    Note to non-members: This workshop does not include trimming and glazing. Non members who wish to keep their pots and have their pots glazed may do so. The cost is $15 per pot.

    You will need to purchase clay for this workshop. Clay can be purchased during the class for $1.20 per pound

    Refund policy: Full refund a week+ before the start of the class. 50% refund 3-7 days before the class begins. No refund within 72 hours of the class.

big, bigger, biggest!-9/21

  • Saturday, September 21st, 10:00-12:00PM

    with Tess Lawlor

    Learn how to throw larger pots on the wheel in this workshop. The desire to throw large pots is something that just about every potter has had at one time or another. And it’s often met with frustration. You may think you don't have the strength for throwing large pots.

    In this workshop, Tess will show you how you can work smarter, not harder. There are all sorts of ways to throw large without breaking your back. You will learn what to do every step of the way and discover that these new techniques will help you in throwing pots of any size. Basic throwing skills are required to take this class.

    Purchasing clay (through the school) prior to the workshop is required for non-members.

  • $75*

    *$15 material fee at checkout for clay (optional for members, required for non-members).

    Click HERE to register.

 Photographing Pottery from the Potter’s Point of View  

with Marilyn Rivchin

Saturday, October 5th, 2:00-5:00pm, $80.00

A hands-on workshop, with examples, demos and  participants photographing their sample works. 

Your goals for taking great pottery photographs — whether with your iPhone/ smartphone or DSLR — may be for record-keeping, study, documenting your process, posting on social media or your website, for marketing, display, craft  shows, grant proposals, etc. 

Participants will work creatively with basic photo principles to achieve accuracy and clarity in  representing form, clay bodies, glaze colors, and textures. 

Participants will also use tabletop setups with lighting and camera supports and discuss ways you can inexpensively create your own setups, backgrounds and  lighting. 

Using an iPhone with live display, Marilyn will demonstrate: 

 Lighting basics: specular and diffuse; color balance 

 — how to deal with shadows and reflections 

 Camera basics (whether automatic or manual)

 — how to achieve focus control: sharpness, selective focus,  

 depth-of-field and bokeh 

 — understanding perspective using lenses and distance 

 Composition, styles, backgrounds 

 — for single pieces, details, arrangements; scale; delivery formats   

 — simple editing adjustments for exposure, control 

 — with adjustments already available in your phone camera.  

Many camera and aesthetic options participants will discuss and practice will also relate to outdoor photographing of work. So bring your smartphone or DSLR, questions, and a pot or two for practice. 

To register, email Marilyn @
